Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain and
University of Luxembourg present
other possible worlds –
dictionary in space
an international post-master programme at Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
and Centre Emile Hamilius (Luxemboug)
from 17–31 July 2011
in continuation of Other Possible Worlds – Proposals on this
Side of Utopia, a curatorial project of the New Society for Visual
Arts (NGBK), Berlin,
from 30 April–13 June 2011
download programme here
with the workshop leaders
dorothee albrecht
paul di felice
berit fischer
inaugural symposium on Monday 18 July 2011 from 10 a.m.–7 p.m., at Casino Luxembourg featuring presentations by the participating artists and the organisers, as well as two guests lectures by
monica narula, member of the raqs media collective
marjetica potrč
opening on Friday 29 July 2011 at 6:00 p.m at Centre Emile Hamilius (4th floor)